Networked Virtual Environments
Introduction to OpenGL (pdf)
Java Sockets (pdf)
Origins and Architectures of Net VEs (pdf)
Middlewares for Net VEs (pdf)
Peer 2 Peer MMVEs (pdf)
Bibliographical references part 1 (pdf)
Bibliographical references part 2 (pdf)
Exercises (pdf)
: Create a multiuser game.
2D Multi User Virtual Environment
: basic version
2D Multi User Virtual Environment
: with dead-reckoning
Basic JOGL example
More complex JOGL example
JOGL Animation example
JOGL Tank Application (the Tank class)
Note: Tank drawing GL code comes from the
game, here is the
that comes with this code.
JOGL Tank Application (the World class)
JOGL Tank Application (the Main class)
Patrice Torguet (July 2008)